
29001 Cedar Road., Suite 550
Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124

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Scaling and Root Planing

Commonly called deep cleaning

The Goal

The goal of scaling and root planning is to eliminate the source of periodontal infection.

The Benefits of scaling and root planing

When you have active periodontal disease, routine cleanings are not enough because they generally focus on the areas of the tooth that are above the gumline. A scaling and rot planning procedure, sometimes called SRP, removes plaque, tartar, and bacterial toxins from the tooth surface below the gumline.

The scaling and root planing procedure

To keep you comfortable, we usually numb the area before the procedure begins.

Using special instruments, we carefully and meticulously remove the plaque and the tartar around the tooth and then smooth the root surfaces. Depending on your situation, we may also apply medication to the area.

If you have just a few pockets of infection, we may treat just those teeth. However, if the infection is more widespread, we may treat one or two sections of your mouth at a time, spacing the treatment over several appointments.

Scaling and root planning remove the source of infecting, help your gums heal and tighten around  the teeth, and give you back your healthy smile.